Maribeth T. Younger
Email: myounger@williamsweese.com
Phone: 303-861-2828 xt. 2816
Private Client
- Estate Planning and Administration
- Privately-held businesses and succession planning
Business and Corporate
Maribeth has more than two decades of experience in complex tax and estate planning and business and corporate advising. Working together with clients, Maribeth designs successful legal strategies for private wealth planning, trust design, business succession, tax-efficient ownership structures, sophisticated tax-exempt structures, and trust and estate administration. Her planning addresses complex family issues including multi-generational wealth transfer strategies, closely-held business entity formation and governance, and premarital, and marital agreements. She also advises clients on charitable giving techniques including the creation, operation, and dissolution of private foundations and charitable trusts.
Maribeth began her career as a corporate transactions attorney in Silicon Valley representing entrepreneurs and emerging growth and technology companies in general corporate, venture capital, private equity, and public financing transactions.